15 August 2013

RED at Mascara & Popcorn

I'm glad to announce that, after screening two of my shorts in 2011, including the lesser known Complex Model, and helping me fundraise Dys- with a retrospective of my shorts in 2012, I'll be back at the Mascara and Popcorn festival in my hometown with Red which will be in the official short competition!

The film screens tomorrow night, starting at 6:30 PM at Théâtre Ste-Catherine:
264 Sainte-Catherine Street East, Montreal. I'm beyond honored to be playing alongside dear friends and fellow filmmakers Andrew Shearer, Lori Bowen, Jovanka Vuckovic, Mae Catt and Izzy Lee among others! :)

Check out this awesome festival trailer and try to spot Red!

Here's an interview with yours truly from the press conference! :)

Dys- Day #4: A teaser and a horror icon

First off, I apologize for again going on hiatus for the Dys- Day posts. The last month has kept me fairly busy with a trip to L.A., the Viscera Film Festival and the Fantasia film festival.

BUT, busy is good as it also means I got a lot more work done on Dys-, which in turn means that I'm one step closer to being done!

One of the main thing I worked on, which I've kept under wrap pretty much until shooting day, was the shooting of two extra scenes for the film starring horror cult icon Lynn Lowry! Yes, working with her made me as ecstatic as you can imagine! :D

Our amazing L.A. crew!
(photo by Lori Bowen)

Me directing Lynn
(photo by Lori Bowen)

The second big thing that kept me busy was the first Dys- promo teaser-trailer which premiered at the Viscera film festival before being release online a few days later.

It has already received some positive buzz from two awesome gentlemen, Mike Snoonian (HERE) and Justin Hamelin (HERE). Thanks for the constant support, guys!

Char Hardin was also kind enough to give us a shout out and play the teaser trailer on the air (around the 01:20:00 mark), which you can listen to right HERE.

Thanks everyone for the constant support! YAY!! :D Can't wait to unleash Dys- upon you all!

(photo by Lori Bowen)